MADISON VALLEY NOVEMBER “HAPPENINGS” → What’s happened in Ennis, the Basecamp of the Madison Valley? The Madison Valley Ranch hosted more incredible wine pairing dinners. → The 5th Annual Mulex Cyclocross Race was held at Lions Club Park. → The MSU Extension Beef Specialist presented a Virtual Fence discussion. → The Gravel Bar hosted a Day of the Dead Party. → The Ruby Valley Brew hosted their Wednesday Trivia Night. → There was a Fall Feed at the VC Elks Lodge in VC. → The annual U. S. Marine Corps Birthday Celebration was held at Willie’s Distillery. → West Yellowstone hosted their annual Ski Festival . → There was a Book Signing by local author, Karen McMullin, Love Wins: Ennis, Montana – A True Story of Tragedy, Heroes & Healing in a Small Town (check it out!) → The filming of “The Madison” blocked Main Street Ennis and many locals would like to send “The Madison” to the “Train Station!” → Ennis Senior Center hosted the annual Holiday Bazaar. → The Ennis Library hosted a Ski Film Fund Raiser. → The Shop Small Weekend in Ennis was a big success, with many visitors in town for the Thanksgiving holiday
MADISON VALLEY DECEMBER “HAPPENINGS” → MADISON VALLEY NOVEMBER “HAPPENINGS” → The Ennis Christmas Stroll will be held on Dec. 6th, 3- 8 PM. → DC Dances presents “The Nutcracker” at Ennis Elementary 1 PM and 5PM on the 7th & 8th. → Christmas Cookie Swap at the Ennis Library the 10th, 5:30 – 7 PM. → Splurge and sign up for one of the fabulous wine-pairing dinners at the Madison Valley Ranch in Jeffers, on December 13 or 14, at: → Or, for a special treat, make reservations now for The Splendid Feast on Dec. 13 or 14, at the Elling House & Humanities Center in Virginia City. Call (406) 843-5454. Check them out on FB. → There will be Candlelight Tours at Lewis & Clark Caverns the 20-22nd and 27-29th. Tickets on sale Dec 2. Call (406) 287-3541 for info. → There will be another book signing by Karen McMullin for Love Wins: Ennis, Montana – A True Story of Tragedy, Heroes & Healing in a Small Town on the 28th at the Ennis Library at 1 PM. → Join the Montana Christmas Bird Count on the 14th. For details go to: → The fire at the McAllister Inn has been ruled an accident. The photo shows all that is left is the sign out front and the chimney. (The house in the background is not a part of the McAllister Inn property.) → And you can go fishing, floating, hiking, trail riding, play golf, go bowling, visit the library, do yoga, go to the gym, take exercise classes, have a facial and a massage, play Pickleball, Mahjongg, take in a movie, or eat, drink, stroll through Ennis, and go shopping! Extend your visit and Just do it all!
FUTURE “HAPPENINGS” → Splurge for your Valentine and sign up for one of the fabulous wine pairing dinners at the Madison Valley Ranch in Jeffers, on February 14 or 15, at:, → MT FWP has proposed to the Madison Co. Commissioners to relocate Bighorn Sheep, 20 to 50 at a time, to the Bear Creek Wildlife Management area, east of Cameron. → It gets pretty quiet around here during the winter! A time to rest and catch our breath, after our whirlwind summers!
MONTANA NEWS → According to Federal Reserve Economic Data, Montana’s population growth plus inflation grew 47.8% between FY 2015 and FY 2024. Montana leaders have said the rate of population growth plus inflation is a benchmark for conservative budgeting because population growth indicates the demand for government services and inflation measures the cost to provide services. If the growth of spending in the budget does not exceed this trend, then leaders can be reasonably confident that the cost of government is staying within the bounds of the taxpayer’s ability to pay for it. Read more at: → Not much happening at the state level.
FISHING REPORT → Wow! It is December already! Where did 2023 go? And 2024? Everything is going faster this year. It feels like just yesterday when we were floating the Madison in sandals and shirt sleeves, catching fish on dry flies. Now it is time for the fat man in red to come down the chimney and to flip the page to a new year. I always love the seasonality of Ennis. One moment it’s a bustling tourist town full of fun people, and the next, a sleepy cowboy town covered with snow. I love this place.
If you’re in town for the holidays and want to get away from family, there are still opportunities to catch some fish. We are in the winter routine. Deep and slow. Find some of the deepest water on the Madison and fish double nymphs slow along the bottom. Worms, eggs, midge larva and stone fly stuff will all get the job done. Just get it down and slow. Once you find the fish, stay there, as there should be more in the same pocket. The fish get together this time of year as well. The good thing about fishing in December? Besides a rest from family time, you will most likely have the place to yourself. Most other anglers are home enjoying the holidays, watching college football, chasing the epic powder days on the mountain, or whatever else people do in the winter. Enjoy the solitude. It refreshes the soul.
If you are hunting for the perfect Christmas gift, a small independent fly shop in Ennis has just what you’re looking for – hint, hint. Shop on-line or in the store and we can make the anglers on your list happy, happy, happy. Lots of great deals on our website clearance section. Saving money is a good thing to do. If you’re in Ennis, stop by the store for coffee and conversation. We have lots of time to chat this time of year. We love talking fishing, even when it’s cold outside. Better yet, sign up for our hosted fishing trip to Belize and warm up. Details on the website.
There is still good fishing to be had, even if the weather is snowy. Let’s all pray for snow this winter. We’ve had a good start, but we are a long way from full lakes and cold rivers of summer. Most of all, enjoy the reason for the season. Good Fishing and God Bless, John Way. Ennis, Montana, the CULTURAL EPICENTER OF TROUT. (406) 682-4263, or cell: (406) 370-5206.
If people concentrated on the REALLY important things in life, there would be a shortage of fishing poles!
Watch “The Rocky Mountain Fly Highway” on Amazon Prime
Check out other fishing reports at:
- Madison River Fishing Company at:
- Dan Delekta at:
- The Madison Valley Ranch at:
- Joe Dilschneider’s Montana Trout Stalkers at
- Yellowstone Fly Fishing at
WEATHER →WEATHER → November was lovely, with a daytime high of 59° and daytime low of 31°, a nighttime high of 41° and a nighttime low of 12°. We had some sort of precipitation on only 6 days in November, including one wild snowstorm that caused all kinds of havoc on the Norris Hill! But the rest of the month was clear and dry – at least in the lower Madison. The upper Madison Valley had their usual share of heavy snow. But all in all, this has been a very mild winter, so far!
REAL ESTATE TIPS → UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MORTGAGE PROVIDERS. According to The National Association of Realtors®, your Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) can offer recommendations based on their knowledge of local options and other buyers’ experiences, but you make the final decision. When buying a property, you want a lender with attractive rates and excellent customer service, so your questions are answered, and you close on time. If you’re in a competitive market, you also want a lender who helps you make an excellent impression on sellers. There are many avenues to explore. The most common categories include:
- BANKS – are primary services include checking and savings accounts, credit cards and personal loans. Since they don’t specialize in mortgages, their financing options may be more limited, and mortgage processing and underwriting may take longer. However, if you already have an established banking relationship and appreciate having all your accounts in one place, this could be a good option.
- ONLINE LENDERS – are significant issuers and an attractive option for borrowers interested in-and qualified for-a streamlined application experience. While online lenders claim their platforms are faster and easier, remember that you’ll probably coordinate details with a call center instead of a personal loan officer, potentially making it harder to manage the application process and meet your contractual deadlines.
- MORTGAGE LENDERS – some specialize in mortgages and provide a broader range of products, including FHA, VA, USDA, and other loans tailored to borrowers’ unique circumstances. Most mortgage lenders keep all their processing, underwriting, and closing services “in-house,” which can shorten and streamline the loan closing process.
- CREDIT UNIONS – are designed to serve their members, you might be able to secure an attractive mortgage through one of these nonprofit lending institutions. Credit unions also tend to have close ties with their local community and offer a more personal touch.
- MORTGAGE BROKERS – do not issue loans but have relationships with many different lenders. They can help you pinpoint an ideal program for your needs and identify the best rates between lenders in their network.
It is a good idea to get pre-approved by at least two lenders. Yes, it takes time, but you’ll learn a lot in the process and feel more confident about your final decision. Be sure and ask your Accredited Buyer’s Representative for recommendations. (If you are in Ennis, that would be me, Toni Bowen!)
HOME FOR YOUR SOUL. FEATURED PROPERTY OF THE MONTH → 40.38 ACRES BORDERING NATIONAL FOREST! Recreational property in the southern end of the Madison Valley with easy access to the Sheep Creek Canyon Area. Close to Yellowstone National Park, Quake, Hebgen, Cliff & Wade Lakes and the Madison River. Sheep Creek ditch runs through the lot. Spectacular views near great hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, hiking, trail riding, and more, with end-of-the-road privacy. Power close by. Covenants are minimal, no HOA, no dues, no road maintenance. It’s the wild west! Every man for himself! Seasonal access, by snow mobile in winter months. Sportsman’s Paradise, Parcels A54 and A55, Section 11, T12 S, R02 E, C.O.S. 7/481A. Google Coordinates: 44.798401°, -111.439244° & 44.797850°, -111.439553°. Elevation: 6,557’+.
NATIONAL REAL ESTATE NEWS → WASHINGTON (November 21, 2024) Existing-home sales rose in October, according to the National Association of REALTORS®. Sales improved in all four major U.S. regions. Year-over-year, sales elevated in three regions but were unchanged in the Northeast. “The worst of the downturn in home sales could be over, with increasing inventory leading to more transactions,” said NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun. “Additional job gains and continued economic growth appear assured, resulting in growing housing demand. However, for most first-time homebuyers, mortgage financing is critically important. While mortgage rates remain elevated, they are expected to stabilize.”
- Existing-home sales climbed 3.4% in October to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.96 million. Sales advanced 2.9% from one year ago, the first year-over-year increase in more than three years (July 2021; +1.8%).
- The median existing-home sales price ascended 4.0% from October 2023 to $407,200, the 16th consecutive month of year-over-year price gains.
- The inventory of unsold existing homes edged higher by 0.7% from the prior month to 1.37 million at the end of October, or the equivalent of 4.2 months’ supply at the current monthly sales pace.
- Pending home sales in October increased 2.0%.
- Compared to one month ago, pending sales grew in all four major U.S. regions, led by the Northeast.
- Year-over-year, contract signings rose in all four U.S. regions, with the West showing the highest increase.
“The ongoing price gains mean increasing wealth for homeowners nationwide,” Yun added. “Additional inventory and more home building activity will help price increases moderate next year.”
The National Association of Realtors® is America’s largest trade association, representing more than 1.5 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries. The term Realtor® is a registered collective membership mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the National Association of Realtors® and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics.
LOCAL REAL ESTATE MARKET STATISTICS: As I predicted, it all broke loose after the election, and I am busier now than I’ve been all year! 2025 will be an interesting year! Big Sky Country Multiple Listing statistics for the Madison Valley area (including Ennis, Cameron, McAllister, Norris, Virginia City, Nevada City, Harrison, Pony), for the month of November were as follows:
- HOMES: 54↓ homes listed ($250,000 to $10,000,000); 8 pending sales ($430,000 to $3,650,000); and 68 homes have sold in 2024 ($282,000 to $6,200,000), totaling $55,127,000, at 5%↓ of list price.
- MULTI-FAMILY: 3↓ listings ($1,789,000 to $2,700,000); 0 pending sales; 1 sold in 2024 ($830,000) at 6% of list price. (This would indicate that multi-family units are not great investments in this area.)
- VACANT LAND: 113↓ lots listed ($7,102 to $1,000,000); 7↑ pending sales ($165,000 to $699,000); and 59 lots have sold in 2024 ($5,000 to $1,250,000), totaling $14,312,500 at 8% ↑ of list price.
- LAND w/STRUCTURE: 9↑ lots w/structures listed ($269,000 – $10,000,000); 0 pending sales; 5 lots w/structures sold in 2024 ($124,900 – $1,100,000), totaling $2,049,900, at 2% of list price.
- COMMERCIAL: 6↓ commercial properties listed ($494,000 to $3,150,000); 0 pending sales; and 2 commercial properties have sold in 2024 ($848,300), at 7%↓ of list price.
- RANCHES: 2↑ ranches listed ($7,950,000 – $12,500,000); 0 pending sales, and 1 ranch has sold in 2024 ($1,350,000) at 6% of list price.
“The best investment on Earth is Earth.” Louis J. Glickman, real estate mogul/philanthropist
Also, according to Jordan Davis & Luke Bryan, in their hit song, “Buy Dirt!”
MONTANA TRIVIA…. Did you know that… Montana’s State Fossil is the Duck-billed dinosaur? And we claim our State Bird is the Western Meadowlark; State fish is the Westslope Cutthroat Trout; State Flower is the Bitterroot; State Grass is Bluebunch Wheatgrass; State Insect is the Mourning Cloak Butterfly; the State Mammal is the Grizzly Bear; the State Tree is the Ponderosa Pine; the State Gemstones are Sapphire and Montana Moss Agate; and the State Fruit is the Huckleberry. Interesting!
For more information:; The Curse of the Black Pearl | Outside Bozeman;;;;,plants%2C%20snakes%2C%20and%20hooks%20that%20can%20impale%20you. Yikes!
CHECK OUT THE NEW FILM, “Mending the Line,” on Netflix
A wise Old Timer from the area once told me,
“Don’t try to change the Madison Valley… let the Valley change you!”